Forms of Medical Cannabis

Tailored medical cannabis prescriptions for each patient. Medical cannabis can be customised in various forms to fit the individual needs of every patient. The form of administration has an influence on the effect. The Healthcare Practitioner consults patients to decide the most suitable form of administration.

Dried Flowers

Dried flowers are available in diverse strains and cultivars. Flowers can be consumed in several forms but are commonly vaporised via a vaporiser (inhaler). A vaporizer heats the dried flowers for inhaling. The gentle heating process does not burn the cannabis directly. While vaporising less harmful than smoking, medical professionals do not recommend smoking dried flowers to prevent partially destroying cannabinoids through direct combustion and the harmful effects of smoking.

Full-spectrum Extracts

Full=spectrum extracts are extracts (oils) made from dried cannabis flowers. The extraction process is mostly done with super-critical CO² and heating. The process is designed to preserve as many of the terpenes and cannabinoids as possible. The extract is mixed into a carrier oil that is regulated to ensure that the strength and composition are consistent across each batch. Cannabis oil can be taken orally directly as a drop under the tongue or in capsules that are swallowed whole.

Alternative Formats

Capsules and other formulations are also available and depending on national regulations, these formulations can be imported or manufactured by pharmacists that hold the necessary authorisations. Green VIVO Europe is maintains close dialog with regulators to bring new formulations to market, to address evolving patient needs.


There are various ways in which medical cannabis can be administered. The typical route is through inhalation and oral ingestion. Cannabis is prepared in a specific dosage form from a prescribing practitioner. Specific dosage forms can be as tablets, oils, capsules, sprays, or ointments, which depends on the prescribed method of administration.
However, these products are considered compounded medicines, not registered or licensed medical products. As such, the lack of coherent regulations results in the lack of standardized compounding methods. This results in variability of cannabinoid content between different preparations.

Extracts and Extract Oils

A common mode of administration is cannabis oil or extract derivate from dried flowers. This extract is then usually diluted with a carrier oil to achieve the desired formulation and for easier consumption.


An efficient administration route of medical cannabis is inhalation. It is a rapid way to induce measurable levels of cannabinoids. Compared to smoking, a vaporising medical device not only lowers concentrations of toxic compounds such as carbon monoxide, ammonia and polyaromatic carbohydrates (PACs), but it also allows for consistent, reproducible THC extraction that yields higher therapeutic levels of THC. 

Two examples of approved medical devices used for vaporising include: 

  • Volcano Medic®2 allows the inhalation of dried cannabis flowers and liquids dissolved in alcohol. 

  • The Mighty® is an easy-to-use portable system used to vaporise dried cannabis flowers. The vaporisation occurs by convection heating only when the user inhales. 


Green VIVO currently procures medical cannabis for patient use and pharmaceutical research and production. Our products are made available to accredited importers, distributors, pharmaceutical companies and to clinical researchers across many countries in Europe.

How is medical cannabis produced?

Green VIVO is a global leader in medical cannabis production, with state-of-the-art facilities in Canada and Europe. Our facilities are designed and operated to ensure the highest level of quality and consistency for the benefit of our patients. Look behind the scenes at Green VIVO Europe’s production facility, Green VIVO Nordic, in Odense, Denmark.

In this animation, each step of the production process of pharmaceutical grade cannabis is explored in detail.

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